Monday, January 22, 2007

Attack of the "I Suck"

I'm a whopping ten pages in now. Have one of the backstory scenes done and moving along in the main storyline. It's true that writers are an odd breed: I find myself wondering repeatedly what the fuck I think I'm doing (no talentless hack that I am). Silencing the monstrous bitch of procrastination and fear is harder than getting any words down on paper.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Worked on outlining and character development today. Yes, I'm fully aware it's just another form of procrastination, but it's a necessary form. After all, the one thing I've picked up from various rejection letters (including one from Marion Zimmer Bradley which I'm STILL kicking myself over...think I lost it in a move) is plotting. I have a hard time doing evil things to my characters. The hubby says he can help with that, but I need to get 'em established first. :)

Enough procrastination...on to writing!