Monday, November 24, 2008

Posting Around Dog

Major stresses are alleviated. Suddenly Thanksgiving has turned from a nice small dinner for 4 to the hubby's whole family coming over. We tend to have an open door policy, so that in itself isn't a big deal at all...except I hope Ray and Nissa aren't irked. Then again, Ray's pretty much part of that family anyway. And, bonus for me, the family is pot-lucking so everybody's bringing fact, I'm going to have to make a pie to go along with the wine and the clean house just so I feel like I'm contributing. WAY less stress, which is most excellent: was thinking I'd need to do major grocery shopping and cooking on Wednesday night after work along with a major cleaning job.

Rawr. I need to learn to be a better housekeeper simply to stay ahead of the dog hair.

I missed bellydance last week due to the raging cold that kept me on the couch every night last week (or in bed by 8pm). So I went tonight for the first time since I got back from LA. My hips are gonna hurt tomorrow, but it's 11pm and I'm completely energized. Unhelpful when the alarm goes off in the morning, but right now it feels most excellent to be all loose and accomplished. Yay for a short week begun with a lazy day at work and an evening of bellydance.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    No worries. I think Ray needs that extra support right now. Portland fell through, not due to anything on our part. I will take care of big bird here and bring him over when he's done cooking. I also have two pies on my to do list. I think I would rather cook than clean. I so second you on the dog hair, it's as though they're worse then the men!


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