Tuesday, March 04, 2014

THIS Surpasses "Darth Creepiness"

Remember that time when I bought a Lego Sarlacc and put sad-faced Lego people heads on it? Because I'm disturbing and fun?

Today, super cool Sarah at This Is How The Apocalypse Starts has FAR FAR surpassed my creepiness.

I'm proud to know her internetness.

Go read this immediately: http://apocalypsestarts.blogspot.com/2014/03/because-everyone-needs-to-have-creepy.html

You're welcome for the nightmares.


  1. Awww. Thanks :)

    And also, HOW could I have missed your Lego head post? That was awesome on so many levels! And, now we need to meet somewhere in the heart of America one day so we can terrorize random people in malls and toy stores!

    1. YES. Oh the horror we can cause. Also, I clearly haven't been keeping up on my blog roll. I'll remedy that today. Good lord, I'm a terrible blog admin.

  2. My wife has a black homemade doll that sits in a Rocker at the bottom of our stairs. It creeps me out everytime I walk down the stairs, or have to move the damn thing when cleaning the floor downstairs. I'll post a picture to your facebook when I get home...

    1. Does it rock when you're not looking, like the clown in Poltergeist?

      Are you SURE it doesn't? Heehee...

    2. Oh...PLEASE say it rocks when no one's looking.

  3. Umm maybe? Thing has a dress on and a diaper, black skin, red duck lips and little braided yarn hair pigtails or whatever they are called sticking out everywhere.


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